“Truth for Truckers” *May 31, 2014* Psalm 121 “God
is our Keeper”
This, the favorite Psalm of my dear wife,
brings to us four key titles of the LORD by examining His four practices
mentioned in the eight verses of this ‘Song of Degrees.’ The first in (v.1, 2)
shows the LORD as our Helper: ’I will
lift up mine eyes unto the hills, from whence comes my help, my help comes
from the LORD, which made heaven and earth.’
To have as our Helper the one
Who with His spoken Word fabricated the very heavens and earth comes as a
mighty powerful Helper indeed. He is able to do exceeding abundantly above all
that we ask or think, for He is the Creator God of heaven! The physical focus
of the Psalmist is upon the very hills which God made. These unchanging
monuments to the powerful creative working of the LORD display the powerful act
of One who is like none else, and Who is able to exert His will upon earth
without question for He is the Omnipotent One who controls the events of the
Secondly, the LORD is seen in (v.3-5) as
our Keeper, the One Who ‘Will not suffer
our foot to be moved.’ This short phrase demonstrates His ability to keep
us from falling, and provide us with the unshakable security of knowing that
the God of heaven is our stay.
“He that keeps thee will not slumber’ tells us that His guard is always in effect, He never sleeps leaving
us unprotected without safety or security. ‘Behold,
He that keeps Israel shall neither slumber nor sleep, the LORD is thy Keeper.’
Here, the emphasis is on Who the LORD is, the God of Israel, the God of the
Scriptures and emphasis is called for when the word ‘Behold’ is used telling us to focus upon this truth, look upon it
with a prolonged gaze, enjoy and soak up the full meaning of the fact that the
LORD is our Keeper, our Guard, our Protector.
The next key title for the LORD is found
in the last part of (v.5) ‘The LORD is
thy shade upon they right hand.’ Another protective title is employed here
showing the great care God gives to His own. ‘The sun shall not smite thee by day, nor the moon by night.’ Here,
God as our Shade is delineated showing protection from the harm that could be
inflicted by the heat of the sun with the moon as the reflector of the sun
mentioned here to show the degree of protection which is (24) hours a day.
The last title carries with it a precious
promise to those who are born-again, because it gives us the promise of God as
our Preserver. ‘The LORD shall preserve
thee from all evil: He shall preserve thy soul. The LORD shall preserve thy
going out and thy coming in from this time forth, and even for evermore.’ (v.7,
Physical and spiritual preservation both
are in focus here as ‘All evil’
covers primarily the physical and ‘Thy
soul’ covers the spiritual. He underscores the physical by saying ‘Thy going out and thy coming in’ but
returns to the spiritual as He ends with ‘For
evermore’ keying on the eternal. Therefore we can rest assured, what God
promises He will deliver for ‘I am
persuaded that He is able to keep that which I have committed unto Him against
that day.’ (II Timothy 1:12)
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