“Truth for Truckers” *April 21, 2014* Psalm 81 “Listening to the LORD”
The conclusion of the whole matter in this
Psalm is good advice to the 21st century Christian: “Oh that My people had hearkened unto Me,
and Israel had walked in My ways!”(v.13). Listening to the voice of God and
obeying Him by walking in His ways seems to be a simple, easy way to live life
and be blessed by God. But, the repeated cycles in Hebrew history show just the
opposite for the majority of the time.
Even today, they continue to reject their
Messiah, the Lord Jesus Christ, and they literally avoid the Scriptures where
He is obviously found in their synagogue readings of the Old Testament Law, the
Prophets and the Psalms which readings are controlled worldwide! Just as in His
days upon earth when they knew he was sent from God because of the miracles He
performed, but, their envy caused them to have Jesus crucified and then, they rejected
and persecuted His Church in every corner of the world!
Notice what God promises in the closing
verses of this Psalm if Israel had hearkened to Him and walked in His ways:
1. “I should
have subdued their enemies, and turned My hand against their adversaries
2. “The haters
of the LORD should have submitted themselves unto Him
3. “He should
have fed them with finest of the wheat: and honey out of the rock should I have
satisfied thee.”
We can claim these blessings from God if
we will simply obey by listening to His voice from the written Word and take
heed by walking with Him day by day, hour by hour, minute by minute as we abide
in the Lord Jesus Christ just as He commands: “Abide in Me and I in you as the branch cannot bear fruit of itself
except it abide in the Vine. I am the Vine ye are the branches, he that abides
in Me and I in him the same brings forth much fruit for without Me ye can do
NOTHING! (John 15:4, 5)
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